Comfortable accommodations

 Here is the lobby of our hotel in the 5th Circle area of Amman. We are just back from an exploratory walk and to get some exercise done after our travel day. Amman is a busy city with thousands of energetic drivers who like to show off that their cars have horns. During our 3 hour plus walk, we saw one (1) traffic light and zero (0) stop signs. While some rain is a possibility this afternoon, the city looks like it does not receive very much precipitation.

Having a comfortable hotel is a good idea. Here are a few of the treats we have in our room and another view of the lobby area where afternoon tea is served. We made contact with the rep from our tour agency. We’ll have 8 in our group and will meet up tonight to review tomorrow’s schedule.


  1. What's the orange thing in the fruit basket? Is that a persimmon?


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